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Food Emissions 50

Food Emissions 50 is an investor-led initiative engaging 50 of the highest-emitting food companies in North America to improve climate disclosures, set ambitious climate targets, and develop their own climate transition plans in line with the Paris Agreement.

Learn how to join

of the highest-emitting public food companies in North America make up the initiative's focus list.


investor participants are seeking commitments aligned with a 1.5 °C future.


of global greenhouse gas emissions are produced by the food sector.

Explore the company benchmark

Focus companies include 50 of the highest-emitting companies in the food and agriculture sector in North America. Because disclosure of full value chain emissions is weak in this sector, companies were selected based on their market cap and their exposure to the specific agricultural commodities. We assess focus companies on their progress towards aligning with and accelerating the transition to a net zero emissions economy.

See the latest results

Food Emissions 50 Participants

Achmea Investment Management

Adrian Dominican Sisters

Allianz Global Investors

AP2 - Second Swedish National Pension Fund


Ardevora Asset Management

As You Sow


BancoPosta Fondi Sgr

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